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Aston Luminaire LED, Edgbaston Priory  Club

Aston Luminaire LED, Edgbaston Priory Club

Candela Light was initially approached by the Edgbaston Priory Club in Birmingham which had expressed an interest in the company’s LED technology, in particular the efficiency and energy savings the system could offer.The Aston Luminaire heritage lantern was chosen by the club.

Following consultation with sales engineers Candela were asked to supply the Aston heritage lantern, fitted with a 60W LED light source to illuminate part of the grounds.

The Aston Luminaire lantern was chosen because it provided continuity with fittings supplied previously by Candela on other areas of the site. The fittings, built at the company’s factory in Birmingham, were deemed a great success once installed. Candela was therefore asked to replace the existing 150W metal halide Aston fittings with the same LED light source.

Following further consultation it was suggested that rather than build and supply new lanterns, the LED unit could be retrofitted into the old luminaires. This would be carried out in the factory, but still offered the customer a cost saving compared with purchasing new units.

Following completion of the site, both staff and members associated with the club have complimented the new installation, making particular reference to the improved light levels compared with the previous installation.